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Contact Us

Prospective Vendors:

Thank you for your interest in QVC. If you wish to submit a product for evaluation or have a question about submitting one, please click here to access our online submission form.

Product submissions are not accepted via telephone or email. Please do not contact QVC regarding the status of your product submission, you will receive a notification when your product is reviewed. 


Existing Vendors:

If you are an existing vendor and experiencing an issue accessing your Vendor Portal account:

  • If you are locked out, please note that lockouts only last 30 minutes if you remember your username and password, so please try again!

  • If you need a password reset and have security questions setup, you can use the “Forgot your Password” link on the login screen to reset your own password. You will be sent a temporary password. Upon logging into the Portal with the temporary password (be sure to copy and paste exactly as is, no spaces!), you can change your password by clicking “Change Password” in the top right. Passwords need to be at least 8 characters with a number, symbol, and a capital letter, so please keep this in mind when resetting. Otherwise, if you do not have security questions set up, you will need to contact our IT help desk at 484-701-8999 option 1 to do so.


If you need portal navigation guidance please review the job aids available here


Hotel and Transportation

Click here to view hotels and transportation companies with QVC rates.